Sweaty feet: Causes – Treatment & What to Do?

Pedifris en pedispray middelen tegen zweetvoeten

What are sweaty feet? Sweaty feet, also known as hyperhidrosis of the feet, is a common problem in which your feet sweat excessively. This can lead to an unpleasant odor and even skin infections such as fungal infections or pitted keratolysis. Sweaty feet can cause a lot of discomfort and affect your daily life. Why […]

Foot warts

What is a foot wart? A foot wart is a hard, rough, round, skin-colored growth that forms on the skin of your foot. In the medical world, we also call these “verruca plantaris” or “verruca vulgaris. Foot warts are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), a highly contagious virus that is easily transmitted in moist, warm […]

Cold feet

Cold feet? Read causes, tips & solutions here Causes and Considerations But cold feet sometimes go beyond superficial discomfort. They may be a symptom of underlying problems, such as circulation problems. It is therefore important to pay attention not only to the feeling itself, but also to what our feet may be trying to tell […]

Toe cheese, what to do? | Cause & prompt treatment

Toe cheese is an informal term often used to describe an unpleasant odor or substance that can accumulate between the toes due to a fungal infection such as foot fungus, or due to poor foot hygiene. It can also refer to dead skin cells and other dirt that accumulates between the toes. It is important […]

Preventing and treating bald nail or fungal nail

What is a chalky nail or fungal nail? Lime nail is a thinly swollen, crumbling and yellow-colored nail that may be affected by candida fungus or the typical toe fungus: dermatophytes. Because of this, many think that lime nail is a synonym for “fungal nail. But a chalky nail is not always infected by a […]

Foot fungus (Tinea Pedis): Symptoms and Treatment

Foot fungus: what exactly is it? Foot fungus, scientifically known as “tinea pedis,” is a common skin condition caused by certain types of fungi. These fungi thrive in moist and warm environments, such as in shoes and between toes. When they infect the skin, it can cause symptoms such as redness, itching, scaling and sometimes […]

Calluses on feet prevention and treatment

Removing calluses on feet Removing calluses can sometimes seem like a chore, but with the right approach and careful measures, you can get your feet feeling smooth and healthy again. Whether you’re struggling with stubborn calluses, calluses or bunions, here you’ll find valuable advice for giving your feet the attention they deserve. What is a […]

Foot blister prevention and treatment

What is a foot blister? A foot blister is caused by friction and pressure on the skin. This can happen if your shoes don’t fit properly or if you walk a lot. Foot blisters can be very painful and difficult to prevent. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to reduce the likelihood of […]

Preventing and treating heel fissures

Heel fissures what is it Heel fissures, also known as foot fissures, are tears or cracks in the skin around the heels. They range from superficial cracks to deep grooves that can be painful. Usually they are the result of dry skin, but other factors can also play a role. The Symptoms of Heel Cracks […]

Heel spur – Remedy heel pain

If you experience the symptoms of heel spur – such as pain radiating through your feet as you walk – you may be wondering what it is and how to treat it. In this blog post, I provide an overview and discuss the causes and symptoms in detail. In addition, we explore possible solutions for […]