Remove odor from smelly soccer shoes
PediFris® tackles odor at the source by fighting bacteria and mold, the culprits behind the smell. So say goodbye to that nasty sweaty foot odor and pull off your soccer shoes with confidence.
How is it possible for soccer shoes to smell
Soccer shoes undergo harsh conditions. Think sweaty feet during a rainy game. Often they are put in the sports bag without drying properly and forgotten, giving odor development free rein.

Suffering from Stinky Shoes?
PediFris®removes odor and reduces perspiration.
You can get around the house in socks again!
€ 12,46 € 9,98
Soccer shoes stink of cat piss
It’s a familiar phenomenon: soccer shoes that give off an unmistakable smell of cat pee the day after practice or a game. One of the main causes of this is the closed material of the shoes, which makes them absorb sweat and moisture poorly.
But what often exacerbates the problem is keeping the shoes in a sealed plastic bag after use. This increases poor air circulation and promotes the growth of bacteria that cause this unpleasant odor.
Tired of your shoes stinking? Don’t give cat pee odor another chance with PediFris®. Sprinkle PediFris® in your shoes before entering the field. While you commit to the game, PediFris® works behind the scenes to keep your shoes and feet fresh and odor-free.

In no time, 100% fresh shoes and fresh feet all day long. No messing around with ointment, shoe deodorant or an expensive shoe dryer. None of this helps because the source of the odor is not addressed. It is bacteria and fungi that cause the smell!
PediFris® removes odor from smelly soccer shoes. By addressing this very source. It kills these bacteria and fungi so they can no longer cause a stench.
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PediFris® and PediSpray® – Together for Fresh Feet
For the ultimate in foot care, combine PediFris® and PediSpray®. PediFris® keeps your shoes fresh and odor-free, while PediSpray® keeps your feet dry and comfortable. Together, they are the perfect combination to combat sweaty feet and unpleasant odors. Order now and enjoy fresh feet all day long.
Discover the power of PediFris® and PediSpray® and give your feet the care they deserve. Order today!