What to do about Sweaty Feet: Cause & Treatment

Sweaty feet are a common problem that can be exacerbated in hot weather or by wearing inadequately ventilated shoes. Many people notice that their feet give off an unpleasant odor due to excessive sweating. Discover valuable tips and tools here to effectively address this issue and improve the situation.

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What are sweaty feet?

Sweaty feet are feet that quickly become damp from perspiration. This problem occurs because there are more than 250,000 sweat glands on your feet, which means that you normally sweat about 0.25 liters of moisture a day from your feet. With sweaty feet, this amount can increase, often accompanied by a pungent odor. Some people experience frequent sweaty feet, where there is hyperhidrosis pedis. This means that the feet remain constantly wet and often feel cold to the touch, which can lead to long-term problems such as foot fungus and nail fungus if proper care is not taken.

stop sweaty feet with pedifris

Causes of sweaty feet

The causes of sweaty feet can vary. There may be a hereditary predisposition or a physical problem such as obesity, menopause, diabetes, increased thyroid function, or drug side effects. Other factors may exacerbate sweating, such as physical exertion, mental stress, poor hygiene, anxiety, and hot temperatures.

Inappropriate footwear and socks also play a role; shoes that do not breathe adequately prevent moisture from evaporating, causing sweaty feet. Also, an unnatural walking pattern created by foot problems, for example, can lead to additional sweat production. Age also plays a role, as an increase in foot moisture is observed during puberty.

dirty smelly shoes and feet

Symptoms of sweaty feet

Sweaty feet are unfortunately often accompanied by stinky feet. The unpleasant odor results from bacteria that are comfortable in a moist and warm environment and multiply there.

No more smelly shoes

Thick, poorly ventilated shoes and socks promote a climate in which bacteria and fungi can grow well, while sweat itself is odorless. The bacteria break down the sweat and produce unpleasant-smelling waste products as a result.

What to do about sweaty feet

Taking care of sweaty feet can be done in several ways:

  1. Cleaning: Keep your feet clean by washing regularly with antibacterial soap in lukewarm water and drying thoroughly, especially between the toes. Use conditioners or bactericidal and fungicidal powder after drying.
  2. Foot baths: Alternating baths improve circulation and help reduce sweaty feet, provided you don’t have at-risk feet. Start with a warm foot bath for two to three minutes, followed by a short cold bath. Repeat the process, making sure the water is not too hot.
  3. Socks and Shoes: Wear cotton or wool socks and avoid synthetic materials. Put on a clean pair of socks daily and wash them at high temperature to kill bacteria. Choose shoes that ventilate well, change daily, and allow worn shoes to dry for at least 24 hours to remove moisture.
  4. Orthotics and Insoles: Remove orthotics from shoes daily to dry thoroughly. Replace or check them regularly for wear to ensure effectiveness.

Foot care products against sweaty feet

There are several foot care products available that specifically address sweaty feet and odors. These products not only help relieve symptoms but also contribute to a healthier foot environment.

Pedispray Foot Spray

Voetspray tegen zweetvoeten

This powerful aluminum chloride-based spray reduces the activity of sweat glands and provides relief from excessive sweating.

Wash and dry the feet thoroughly, spray the spray on the sole of the foot and between the toes, and let it soak in completely before putting on socks or shoes. For a lasting effect, it is recommended that you also treat your shoes with PediFris® Classic shoe powder. Doing the treatment daily in the first week, then every two weeks as maintenance, produces the best results.

Pedifris Classic Shoe Powder

Middel tegen zweetvoeten

PediFris® Classic – remedy for sweaty feet Treat your shoes with PediFris® Classic, this remedy eliminates organisms that cause stinky feet and stinky shoes.

Sprinkle half a teaspoon of powder into each shoe, shake the shoes lightly for even distribution, then put the shoes on. The powder does its job while wearing the shoes, dissolving as the feet sweat and in this way treating the shoe and foot In most cases, odor complaints will disappear or be greatly reduced after only two days.


For persistent problems, it is wise to seek the advice of medical pedicures and podiatrists . They can help improve foot condition and offer effective long-term solutions against sweaty feet.

Frequently Asked Questions about Sweaty Feet

Sweaty feet are an everyday problem for many people and can lead to discomfort and social awkwardness. However, this common condition can be managed effectively with the right knowledge and tools. In these frequently asked questions, you will find answers to some of the most common questions about sweaty feet and ways to effectively address this problem. Whether you’re looking for preventative tips, insight into the causes, or information on specific products such as PediSpray®and PediFris®Classic, this FAQ provides helpful information and practical solutions.


What are the main causes of sweaty feet?


Sweaty feet are often caused by excessive activity of sweat glands in the feet. This can occur due to hereditary predisposition, physical factors such as obesity and hormonal changes, or external influences such as poorly ventilated footwear and hot environments.


How do I recognize sweaty feet?


Sweaty feet can be recognized by damp and sometimes cold feet, an unpleasant odor, and possibly wrinkled or pale skin. Excessive sweating, especially in combination with a burning sensation on the feet, may also indicate this problem.


What shoes and socks are suitable for people with sweaty feet?


It is important to wear shoes that ventilate well and are made of breathable materials such as leather or mesh. Cotton or wool socks are recommended because they absorb moisture and keep feet dry. Avoid synthetic fabrics that restrict ventilation.


What is the best way to clean my feet if I suffer from sweaty feet?


Wash your feet regularly with antibacterial soap in lukewarm water and make sure they dry thoroughly, especially between the toes. If necessary, use a conditioning powder or spray after drying to reduce bacteria and odors.


Do swap baths help against sweaty feet?


Yes, alternating baths can be effective for improving circulation and reducing sweating. This involves keeping the feet alternately in hot and then cold water. It is important that the temperature of the water not be too high.


What makes PediSpray® Strong effective against sweaty feet?


PediSpray® Strong is effective because of the ingredient aluminum chloride, which reduces the activity of sweat glands, thereby controlling excessive sweating. The spray works best on thoroughly washed and dried feet and should be fully absorbed before putting on socks or shoes.


How do I use PediFris® Classic powder to control odors in my shoes?


Sprinkle half a teaspoon of PediFris® Classic powder into each shoe and shake lightly to distribute the powder evenly. The powder works as it dissolves while wearing the shoes, killing bacteria and fungus and neutralizing odors.


When is it time to seek professional advice for sweaty feet?


If sweaty feet cause persistent discomfort and social or psychological problems, or lead to complications such as foot fungus or infections, it is advisable to seek medical advice from a podiatrist or medical pedicurist for appropriate treatment.