Cold feet


Cold feet? Read causes, tips & solutions here

Causes and Considerations

But cold feet sometimes go beyond superficial discomfort. They may be a symptom of underlying problems, such as circulation problems. It is therefore important to pay attention not only to the feeling itself, but also to what our feet may be trying to tell us.

Symptoms of cold feet

When your feet feel cold, it can be more than just an uncomfortable feeling. Sometimes cold feet are accompanied by other symptoms that can give a deeper insight into what is going on. Here is an overview of some of the symptoms you may experience besides cold feet:

Discoloration of the feet

A bluish or pale tint may indicate problems with blood circulation.

Tingling or numbness

In addition to cold, you may feel tingling or numbness, which can indicate possible nerve disorders.

Wet or clammy feeling

Even without obvious sweat production, your feet can sometimes feel damp or clammy, which may indicate problems with sweat glands or circulation.

Pain or cramping

Cold feet can sometimes be accompanied by pain or cramping, especially if the cold occurs suddenly.

Dry or cracked skin

Poor circulation can also lead to dry skin or even cracked heels.


In some cases, cold feet may also swell, which may indicate fluid accumulation.

Slow healing of wounds

If small cuts or wounds on the feet heal slower than you are used to, it may be related to reduced blood flow.

Changes in the toenails

For example, discoloration, brittleness or thickening.

  1. It is essential to look not only at cold feet, but also at other symptoms that cause and may be associated with cold feet. All of them together can tell a bigger story about what’s going on in your body.
  2. If you are concerned about any combination of these symptoms, it is always wise to seek medical advice. Take good care of your feet; they are the foundation of your daily well-being!

Causes of cold feet

Everyone suffers from cold feet from time to time, especially during cold winter days. But sometimes cold feet can be a sign of a deeper problem. It is important to know the possible causes so you can act effectively here are some:

Poor blood circulation

One of the most common causes of cold feet is impaired circulation. This may be due to smoking, a sedentary lifestyle or conditions such as peripheral arterial disease.

Raynaud’s phenomenon

This is a condition in which the deeper blood vessels in the extremities constrict, leading to discoloration and cold fingers and cold toes.


A sluggish thyroid can lead to cold feet because it slows your metabolism, which can lower body temperature.


Among other symptoms, diabetes can lead to neuropathy, which can cause numbness and coldness in the feet.

Nerve damage

Damage to the nerves, whether from injury or disease, can lead to feelings of cold in the affected areas.

Moisture retention

Accumulation of moisture in the feet can lead to feeling cold, especially if the body is trying to drain the excess moisture.


Certain drugs , such as beta blockers, can have side effects that lead to cold hands and feet.

Hormonal imbalances

Changes in hormone levels, such as during menopause, can affect the body’s temperature regulation, which can cause cold feet.


A lower than normal red blood cell count can lead to fatigue and cold extremities.

Chronic fatigue: People with chronic fatigue often report an overall cold feeling, including in the feet.

Having cold feet from time to time is normal, especially in colder climates. However, if you notice that your feet are constantly cold and accompanied by other symptoms, it is important to seek medical advice. By paying attention to the signals your body gives, you can take better care of your overall health.

Cold feet and sweaty feet

An interesting issue is the relationship between cold feet and sweaty feet. Although you might think that sweaty feet are hot rather than cold, they can actually contribute to cold feet. That’s because moisture can draw heat away from your feet, making them feel cold.

One possible solution to this problem may be a foot spray such as PediSPray®. These products are designed to reduce the amount of sweat, which can help keep your feet drier and warmer.

What to do about cold feet?

Cold feet can sometimes be downright unpleasant, especially when the feeling persists. Fortunately, there are numerous methods you can try to keep your feet warm and relieve the uncomfortable feeling. Here are some tips to help you with cold feet:

Apply heat

Use a hot water bottle, electric blanket or heated insoles. A foot bath with warm water can also help warm your feet quickly.


By massaging your feet, you stimulate blood circulation, which can help warm them up faster.

Wear wool socks

Wool is a natural insulator and helps to retain heat. Make sure you wear thick socks that are dry; damp socks can make the cold feeling worse.

Avoid tight shoes

Tight shoes can impede blood circulation in the feet. Choose shoes that are comfortable and offer plenty of room.


Regular exercise can help improve poor circulation. Simple foot exercises, such as toe curls or foot rotations, can already be helpful in stopping a falling body temperature

Quit smoking

Smoking constricts blood vessels and can contribute to circulation problems, which can cause cold feet.

Avoid caffeine

Caffeine can sometimes constrict blood vessels and lead to cold extremities.

Eat balanced

Nutrients such as iron and vitamin B12 are essential for proper blood circulation. Maintain a balanced diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and protein.

Heat bags

Disposable heat bags are available that you can place in your shoes for extra warmth during extremely cold days.

Consult a specialist

Treatment of cold feet depends on the cause. If your feet are cold from exposure to the cold, wearing warm socks or shoes may be enough. For sweaty feet, a remedy such as pedispray can help.

But if you suspect that your cold feet are a symptom of an underlying health condition, it is wise to seek medical advice. A doctor can examine the possible cause of your cold feet and suggest appropriate treatment.

And while this may not be the most obvious advice, regular exercise can also help. This is because it improves blood circulation, which can help warm up cold feet.

In some cases, a visit to a podiatrist or physical therapist may be helpful. These professionals can recommend specific exercises to improve blood circulation in your feet.