Cleaning white athletic shoes with baking soda
For cleaning, baking soda is a versatile remedy. It is used in the bathroom and kitchen but you can also use it to clean your white sneakers.
What you need for this are a bowl with a little water, baking soda and a toothbrush.
Put water and baking soda in the bowl and stir until a porridge forms. Take a toothbrush and dip it into the porridge and brush the shoe with it. You do this by making a gentle circular motion.
It’s all about brushing the mixture into your shoe. So don’t start scrubbing but make rotating motions.
Treat every spot and corner of the shoe. Having done this, you can use a slightly damp cloth to wipe the foam and residue of the soda mixture off your shoe. Et Voilla, your shoes look bright white again.
Cleaning white leather shoes
Cleaning white leather shoes is fine with a damp cloth. Do not put them under the faucet as this may cause the leather to absorb too much moisture causing small cracks in the leather.

Do you have stubborn stains? Then use a miracle sponge (melamine sponge). This sponge has a very dense structure. This is great for removing stains from your white sneakers that you can’t get out with brush or cloth.
Cleaning white suede sneakers
To clean white suede shoes, first use a brush to remove coarse dirt such as sand. For small spots, mix baking soda with a little water to make a paste and apply it to the affected area.
Once the paste has dried, brush it off with the same brush. To protect your white suede shoes from dirt and water use a dirt and water repellent spray. Spray the shoes evenly and let them dry before wearing them.
Removing damage
Is your leather white sneaker damaged? Then brushing makes no sense at all. In this case, a shoe pen with shoe paint will do the trick. These markers allow you to correct or mask minor damage with ease. This does involve minor damage because it is not a repair agent.
Another thing that sometimes works out is just old-fashioned shoe polish. Just make sure the color matches really well and that you treat both shoes so you avoid color differences
White canvas sneakers cleaning
Want to clean your white fabric shoes? Well then the job is not as complicated as all the other options you have come across above. You do this easily in the washing machine.

Of course, pre-treat by removing the coarse dirt with a brush or cloth. After washing, air dry the shoes. And for white soles, use white toothpaste with a toothbrush.
Do not use fabric softener when doing this because it can be bad for your shoe soles. If you have stubborn stains, do a pretreatment with Vansish Oxi Action or pre-soak them in Biotex.
After washing, you can speed up the drying process by putting newspaper wads in your shoes. Note, do not wear your shoe again until they are really completely dry because otherwise there is a chance that they will stink tremendously!
Canvas shoes often have a coating which keeps your feet from getting soaking wet when it rains. If you put your shoes in the washing machine, this coating will be washed off.
Did you accidentally wash off the coating anyway? You can reapply them yourself by spraying your shoes with a water-repellent and protective spray.
Remove odor from your snow-white sneakers
To make your shoes feel like new again, as a “finishing touch” you can sprinkle your shoes with PediFris® shoe powder. This will make the inside of your shoes completely odor-free and make them smell like they just came out of the shoe box again.
Laces in the washing machine
The laces of shoes are often the first to get dirty. These are mostly made of cotton and are real dirt magnets. The best way to get these clean quickly is to simply put them in the washing machine.
If they are really very dirty, you can first soak them in a stain remover such as Vanish Oxi Action.
Are they so stained that you can’t get them white at all? Then simply replace your laces.
Fresh shoes and fresh feet
Have you done the above and your shoes are all bright white again? So make sure they smell fresh again. For this, of course, you use PediFris® products.
Do not use deodorant as it only masks the smell; for fresh shoes, use PediFris® anti-perspiring foot product
Now your white sneakers are all bright white and fresh again so you can enjoy your sleek pattas again for the time being