Washing and drying feet

By regularly washing and drying your feet properly, you can prevent several foot problems and improve your overall hygiene. We discuss why it is important to wash your feet regularly, the best way to do this, and what remedies to use in the process.

Washing feet helps prevent sweaty feet

Washing your feet is an essential part of good foot care. In fact, washing your feet regularly helps prevent sweaty feet. Sweaty feet can be caused by excessive foot perspiration, which in turn can lead to unpleasant odors and other discomforts. By washing your feet regularly, you can reduce the bacteria and fungi that cause this odor.

Why wash feet regularly

Hygienic feet

In addition to preventing sweaty feet, washing your feet regularly also ensures hygienic feet. This is because throughout the day, your feet collect dirt, bacteria and other microorganisms. Washing your feet removes these unwanted invaders and keeps your feet clean and fresh. And preventing conditions such as foot fungus, chalk nails or pitted soles.

Prevent foot odor

One of the most common problems people suffer from is foot odor. This problem can be very annoying and negatively affect your self-confidence. By washing your feet regularly, you can help prevent foot odor. By removing bacteria and sweat residue, you reduce the chances of an unpleasant odor.

Prevent sweaty feet

Foot washing is also an effective way to combat sweaty feet. By removing sweat and bacteria from your feet, you keep your feet drier and reduce the chance of excessive perspiration. This can help prevent the discomfort of sweaty feet and make your feet feel more comfortable.

Increase self-confidence

Clean and fresh feet not only feel nice, but they can also make you feel more confident. By taking good care of your feet, you contribute to good overall hygiene and a positive self-image.


What is the best way to wash my feet?

Keeping feet clean can be done in a number of ways. Which one you like best is very personal so we will look at a few so you can choose what suits you best.

Quick rinse under the tap

A quick rinse under the faucet can be refreshing but is not enough to properly clean the feet. It is important to take the time to wash and dry them thoroughly.

Washing with soap and water

A simple and effective way to wash your feet is to use water and a mild soap. Fill a basin or sink with warm water and add a small amount of soap. Submerge your feet and use your hands to gently wash them. Don’t forget to clean between your toes and under your nails as well. Then rinse your feet well with clean water and dry them thoroughly.


A relaxing foot bath is not only wonderful, but also a good way to wash your feet. Fill a tub or tub with warm water and add some conditioning oil or salt, if necessary. Soak your feet for about 10-15 minutes, gently moving them back and forth. This helps loosen dirt and dead skin cells. After the foot soak, wash your feet again with soap and water and dry them thoroughly. But be careful, soaking your feet too often or for too long can soften the skin and increase the risk of wounds.

Dry your feet thoroughly

After washing your feet, it is important to dry them thoroughly. Be sure to thoroughly dry off any moisture between your toes, as this can be a breeding ground for bacteria and fungus. Use a clean towel and gently pat your feet dry. If you suffer from excessive sweating, you can also use a hair dryer at a low temperature to dry your feet completely.

Treating feet with deodorant?

Using deodorant on your feet can help mask odor, but it is not the best solution. It is better to use a special foot deo, such as PediSpray®. This deodorant contains aluminum chloride, which is effective in reducing sweat production and odor. It is advisable to follow the instructions on the package when using a foot deo.

Means of washing feet

Washing feet which soap is best?

To wash your feet, it is best to use a mild and pH-neutral soap. This soap cleans your feet thoroughly without disturbing the natural balance of your skin. Avoid soaps with strong perfumes or chemicals, as they can cause irritation. Rather, choose a soap specially designed for sensitive skin.

Washing feet with biotex

Although Biotex is sometimes used for washing feet, it is better to be careful with it. Biotex can soften the skin of your feet and increase the risk of wounds. While it is suitable for infections, do not soak your feet in this for more than 5 minutes. Instead, ordinary table salt is preferable for cleaning your feet.

Washing feet with vinegar

Vinegar can be used to wash your feet, but it has a strong odor and can dry out the skin. It is usually not recommended to use vinegar for washing your feet unless specifically recommended by a professional.

Washing feet with baking soda

Like vinegar, baking soda can dry out the skin on your feet and make them vulnerable to wounds. Therefore, it is not recommended to use baking soda for washing your feet unless specifically prescribed to treat an infection. Ordinary table salt is a safer option for washing your feet.

foot washing sprayer

Overall foot hygiene

In addition to washing your feet, there are other aspects of foot hygiene that are important to emphasize:

Clean socks

Wearing clean socks daily is critical to good foot hygiene. Change your socks regularly and wash them at a high temperature to reduce bacteria and odors. Preferably choose socks made of breathable materials, such as cotton.

Walking barefoot

Finally, it is important to walk barefoot from time to time, such as around the house or on the beach. This provides good ventilation for your feet and helps prevent damp conditions in which bacteria and fungi thrive. Just make sure you do this on clean and safe surfaces.

Walking in socks at home

When at home, it is a good idea to walk in socks instead of bare feet. Socks provide an extra layer of protection and prevent direct contact between your feet and the floor. This can help reduce dirt and bacteria that can contaminate your feet. There are special socks with non-slip soles to increase your safety.

Shoe change

Changing shoes regularly is a smart habit for good foot hygiene. Changing your shoes regularly gives them a chance to air and dry. This reduces humidity and prevents the growth of bacteria and fungus.

Other benefits of regular foot washing

Besides preventing sweaty feet and foot odor, there are other benefits of washing your feet regularly. Here are two that are worth mentioning:

Helps prevent foot fungus

By washing your feet regularly, you can reduce the risk of foot fungus. In fact, foot fungus thrives in moist and dirty environments. By keeping your feet clean and dry, you minimize the chances of fungal growth and infection.

Can help against chalk nail

Washing your feet also contributes to the prevention of bald nails. Chalk nails are often caused by fungal infections that spread from the feet. By washing and drying your feet properly, you can reduce the risk of fungal infections and thus reduce the chances of getting chalk nails.

Washing and drying your feet is an important part of good foot care. By washing your feet regularly, you can prevent sweaty feet, foot odor and other foot problems. Use mild soap and follow proper washing methods to thoroughly clean your feet. Remember to dry your feet thoroughly after washing. It is also important to choose appropriate remedies for washing your feet, such as pH-neutral soaps and foot soaps. By following these simple steps, you can enjoy hygienic, fresh and healthy feet.


What types of soap are suitable for washing my feet?


To wash your feet, it is best to use a mild and pH-neutral soap. Choose a soap specially designed for sensitive skin and avoid soap with strong perfumes or chemicals.


What happens if I soak my feet in vinegar?


Vinegar can dry out the skin and has a strong odor. It is usually not recommended to use vinegar for soaking your feet unless specifically recommended by a professional.


Should you wash feet in the shower?


Although you can choose to wash your feet in the shower, it is recommended that you do this separately. This way you can clean your feet more thoroughly and make sure they are thoroughly dry after washing.


What deo can I use against odor?


To combat odor, it’s best not to use deo but use a product specifically designed for this purpose. A recommended option is PediSpray®, which contains aluminum chloride and is effective in reducing sweat production and odor.