Preventing and treating bald nail or fungal nail

A chalky nail or fungal nail usually looks unsavory and is difficult to combat.

On this page, we try to explain to you exactly what the ailment is and what you can do to counteract it and fight it.


What is a chalky nail or fungal nail?

Lime nail is a thinly swollen, crumbling and yellow-colored nail that may be affected by candida fungus or the typical toe fungus: dermatophytes.

Because of this, many think that lime nail is a synonym for “fungal nail. But a chalky nail is not always infected by a fungal infection.

Thickened nail

Treating bald nails

A thickening in the nail can have several causes besides the fungal infection, age can also play a role. The aging process can produce increased production of keratin (Onychograrypos), which can also cause nails to be brittle and thickened.

The cause of a hangnail or fungal nail

Dermatophytes is fungus that can cause a superficial infection of skin or nail, this fungus is in your nail and can be contracted if:

  • The skin or nail is moist for a long time (as in sweaty feet)
  • Due to minor injuries
  • Through close contact with other persons
  • Due to poor hygiene

Candidagist lives in everyone in the gut and on healthy skin. In the right circumstance, this yeast can thrive and develop into mold. The fungus weakens the immune system and encourages candida infection. Especially when combined with:

  • Medicines(antibiotics)
  • Reduced immunity (diabetes, burnout, chemotherapy)
  • Skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis)
  • Due to trauma or irritation (blow or pressure on the nail or nail biting)
  • Infections
  • Medication
  • How to recognize a chalky nail The difference between a chalky nail and healthy nails is often easy to recognize. This is often seen by a thickened nail that is discolored (yellow/brownish like) and brittle. The latter often leads to crumbling of the nail leading to painful inflammation which can then lead to loose skin or a detached nail. Lime nail treatment Lime nail is often stubborn, if you want to treat it, you have to prepare yourself for a long journey. Once started, you should not interrupt the treatment as this will prolong the healing process. In many cases, treatment takes about 8 weeks to a year before your nails are healthy again. Upper nail plate treatment If the fungus is not far advanced, treatment of the upper nail plate is sufficient. This can only be done if the mold is only superficial. You can do this with an ointment, spray, anti-fungal nail polish or laser treatment
    • An antifungal ointment can only treat the upper nail plate, so it is only useful in the case of an incipient fungal nail.
    • An antifungal nail polish works the same way as an ointment, but you can apply it in a more targeted way.
    • Extra tip: File away the top layer of the nail every week. The ointment or nail polish can penetrate deeper into the nail.
    • Thymol (thyme extract) has antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, and antifungal effects. A cotton ball with Vicks Vaporub, for example, can help remove an incipient nail fungus, but don’t expect too much from it.
    • Tea tree oil , thanks to its antiseptic properties.
    • Laser treatment, the heat during the laser treatment renders the fungi harmless.

Pill cure for nail fungus

One of the quickest ways to get rid of your bald nail is to visit your doctor so he or she can prescribe a course of pills. This is the most effective way to treat an advanced fungal nail.

Disadvantages of a pill cure

This can cause side effects, hence these drugs are only available by prescription and is often used as a last resort

Have you finished a cure for nail fungus/ Do still have your feet checked by a pedicurist or medical specialist to see if the infection has really cleared up

Are fungal nails contagious?

Yes a nail fungus is contagious: you can get it from someone else and you can infect someone else with it.

This is because the fungus is also in the in the nail or skin. These can release flakes that spread through the floor of a sports or shower room such as that of a swimming pool.

How do you prevent chalk nails?

Lime nails that come with fungal infection cannot heal on their own. So “prevention is better than cure.”

  • Keep feet dry at all times ! Moisture and heat are breeding grounds for mold.
  • Do you often suffer from sweaty feet? Then use PediSpray® antiperspirant
  • Disinfect your shoes with PediFris® shoe powder
  • Choose appropriate footwear(not squishy) and alternate often.
  • Wear clean cotton socks every day.
  • Wear slippers in swimming pools or saunas and avoid damp places as much as possible
  • If possible, walk barefoot a lot so that your skin can breathe.
  • Use a pH-neutral soap and wash your feet thoroughly.
  • Keep your nails short.
  • Touch up deformed or thickened nails with pumice stone or a file.
  • Disinfect nail scissors before and after use

Maintaining healthy nails

Maintain your feet regularly and have them inspected and treated by a (medical) pedicurist. This will prevent many foot problems or suppress them in time.


Try to walk barefoot as much as possible. Feet that can air a lot are less susceptible to fungi and bacteria. This also prevents unpleasant odors.

Just remember to wear flip-flops in public places so you don’t have direct contact with the floor

Sweaty Feet

Sweaty feet play an important contribution in the development of fungalna

gel or fungal nail prevention and treatment

A chalky nail can be quite annoying and difficult to treat. If you do not manage to get rid of a chalky nail with the above information, we recommend that you consult a medical specialist.

To help you on your way we have created a FAQ so you can find answers to the most common questions.





Make sure your feet are clean by washing them with a ph-neutral anti-bacterial soap.


disinfect your shoes


Use pediFris® shoe powder to keep your feet and shoes free of fungal spores (yeast)


Wear flip-flops in public locker rooms


Wear slippers in public shower and changing areas and dry slippers thoroughly after showering as well.